The Monroe County Substance Abuse Coalition (MCSAC) will ensure a "Hip" (Healthy, Informed, and Proactive) community through Collaborative Planning, program development, community action, and public education that results in decreased substance use and abuse among youth.
If you are thinking about quitting the use of vapor products containing nicotine, please consider one of these resources.
Visit our FaceBook Page at https://facebook.com/substance.abuse.Monroe.County/
Monroe County Substance Abuse Coalition Executive Committee and Sector Representation Click here to view the Monroe County Substance Abuse Coalition Executive Committee and Sector Representation
Reducing Childhood and Underage Drinking
SAMHSA'S substance use prevention campaign helps parents and caregivers start talking to their children early about the dangers of alcohol and other drugs. https//www.samhsa.gov/talk-they-hear-you - Reducing Perscription and over the counter Drug Abuse /Misuse
Please check out knowmoremonroe.com for local resources and help. Have unused or expired medications? There are six Red Box locations In Monroe County. Unfortunately, they are unable to accept creams, liquids, or syringes. Pills can be kept in the original bottle or a sealed plastic bag. Red Box Location - Reducing Youth Access to Tobacco and Nicotine
What Parents Need to Know About Vaping Presentation Check out the presentation here. YouTube Video Presentation - Reducing Illicit Drug Use
If you are looking for Cannabis conversation starters please start here. Cannabis Conversation Starters for Parents
Click her for a way to talk to your child about why weed can wait. Weed Can Wait
Click here to see why this is important. Secure Your Cannabis to Prevent Accidental Ingestion Call 734-242-13310for a free locking bag!
The MCSAC has an engaged executive committee and commitment from twelve sector representatives. The twelve committee sectors include representation from health care professionals, schools, law enforcement, local government agencies, business community, mental health, parent, media, youth or youth-serving organization, faith organization, civic/volunteer group, and other organizations involved in reducing substance abuse. The coalition has relationships in place with various entities, and this collaboration extends to numerous in-kind donations in various forms to enhance the goals of the coalition's and vision.
The MCSAC has a membership to Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADA), and a coalition member has attended their mid-year training institute four out of five years. the current coalition strategic planning forms utilizes CADA's seven strategies to affect community level change for each of the priority areas. The seven strategies are as follows:
- Providing information
- enhance skills
- provide support
- enhance access/reduce barriers
- change consequences (incentives/disincentives)
- change physical design, and modify/change policies
Activities are noted in each of these strategies to meet the overall goal of reducing substance abuse among youth and adult.